Friends of MIFI

Alan Smale

For many years, Alan has participated as an adjudicator on our audition panels. His contribution is greatly appreciated.

David Little RIP

Our great friend and one of our founding directors, David Little, passed away some years ago. He supported the MIFI project from the beginning, and we will be eternally grateful to him. May he rest in peace.

Paul Dowley RIP

Paul Dowley RIP kindly donated a very nice 3/4 size Thibusville-Lemy violin on loan, for young beginners with potential

“I was inspired by the idea of a store of quality string instruments being made available on loan to students of exceptional ability, who otherwise might not have the opportunity to advance in their chosen field due to the restrictions which inferior instruments can place upon their progress.”

Alan Smale

“I believe the educational value of the scheme is of the highest order and sincerely hope that it can continue to help many more generations of young string players in the future."

Adrian Petcu